All tarantulas are carnivorous, and they feed on living prey. Most tarantulas seem to prefer small insects and other invertebrates that don’t put up much of a fight when caught, which means the tarantulas get…

All tarantulas are carnivorous, and they feed on living prey. Most tarantulas seem to prefer small insects and other invertebrates that don’t put up much of a fight when caught, which means the tarantulas get…
If your tarantula bites you, which is likely only if you try to handle it or are careless when cleaning the cage, you could suffer some pain and possible bleeding because the tarantula basically has…
It is quite possible that you could have an allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) to even a small amount of venom from a harmless tarantula, much as some people react badly to a bee sting. An…
Burrows and retreats are relatively humid and thus cooler than the surrounding surface, plus the substrate itself helps insulate the spider from extremes of temperatures. In nature the tarantula’s burrow usually is situated in a…
Finding the perfect tarantula can be difficult, as many commonly imported species (especially from Africa andAsia) are simply too aggressive to make good pets for the beginning or intermediate keeper. The most colorful American tarantulas…
Some tropical tarantulas have made the move from the ground to shrubs and trees. There they spin thick, unsightly webs over tree holes in which they spend the day. The webbing helps them maintain the…
Many tarantulas have small geographic ranges and probably don’t occur in large numbers in the wild. They also face the usual problems tropical animals do, including loss of suitable habitat due to conversion of forests…
Handling a tarantula always is problematic, and holding it upside down can be stressful to both you and the spider. Instead, many breeders prefer to determine sex, especially of females, by examining cast skins under…
Many hobbyists fear the molt because of the possibility of a molt-related death. However, this separation of the new and old exoskeletons is essential if the tarantula is to grow. The new skin is fully…
For the next three to six months, the female continues life as usual, though she should be fed more heavily if possible to help her build up food reserves before laying. Eventually she will construct…